Фитостудия-63.ру » Огородный блог » Clematis
Clematis: 59 фото и видео
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Клематис петер видовой - 61 фото фотографии
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These late-flowering clematis are best pruned back hard in February each year to the lowest pair of buds.
full sun. Light: Clematis blooms best in full sun. Some varieties, such as 'Nelly Moser', can bloom in part shade, but the amount of flowering will be reduced. Clematis will benefit from afternoon shade in hot summer areas. Soil: Clematis prefers a moist, well-drained soil with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH.
Most varieties of clematis are hardy, deciduous, perennial vines. These are vines that will lose their leaves and go dormant each winter. The vines may look brown and dead over the winter, but new leaves will grow back the following spring.
Your clematis will wrap leaf tendrils around its supports, and these plants have been known to pull down trellises. For the first year, clematis do require a little work. These vines will not grow quickly for their first season, but still require weekly watering and monthly fertilization with a balanced fertilizer.