Euonymus alatus: 60 фото и видео

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Unfortunately, burning bush (including its cultivars) is now classified as an invasive species, and anyone wanting to buy a plant will be frustrated.
And perhaps the most concerning issue is that it creates extremely dense thickets and complex root systems, crowding out large amounts of native forest vegetation. This process causes burning bush to overtake the forest, reducing the plant diversity within the area.
Adults may experience symptoms like stomach upset, including nausea and vomiting. In some cases, there could be swelling in the mouth or throat, making it tough to swallow. Let's not forget the potential for a burning sensation on the skin if it comes in contact with the sap.
Burning bush is one of several nonnative species that invade natural habitats, forming dense thickets, displacing native species and disrupting ecosystems. At least 20 U.S. states have declared it invasive, noxious, or both. At least three New England states have prohibited the sale and importation of this species.
Some nurseries have discontinued selling it for this reason, while those that do must state that the plants are invasive. Burning bush has been listed as an invasive plant in over 20 states and banned in several others, including Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania.

БЕРЕСКЛЕТ крылатый /Euonymus Alatus осенняя окраска Три экземпляра 2021сен27

Три растения, два сорта 00:00 Компактус/Compactus куст 01:52 Компактус/Compactus штамбовый 03:49...

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